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抹茶紅豆麵包 食譜,造型麵包,今天來一隻大眼怪好嗎

抹茶紅豆麵包 ,甜滋滋的滋味搭配卡通造型,讓人愛不釋手。我這次的紅豆內餡使用小倉紅豆罐頭,甜度很高,加上表面的眼睛跟嘴巴都是用融化的巧克畫出來的,所以我的這個食譜,麵包本體的甜度很低,整體甜度搭配起來會比較適合。更多手撕麵包食譜:小熊手撕麵包湯種法手撕巧克力餐包免揉手撕餐包波蘭種手撕麵包免揉手撕蔥包

抹茶紅豆麵包 食譜,造型麵包,今天來一隻大眼怪好嗎

抹茶紅豆麵包食譜影片 Video Recipe of Matcha Red Bean Buns


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抹茶紅豆麵包材料 Ingredients of Matcha Red Bean Buns


高筋麵粉 300g
抹茶粉 10g
雞蛋 1個
牛奶 145g
酵母 4g
無鹽奶油 30g
紅豆餡 270g


70%黑巧克力(融化) 適量
白巧克力(融化) 適量
抹茶粉 適量


Ingredients of Matcha Red Bean Buns

300g Bread Flour
10g Matcha Powder
1ea Egg
145g Milk
4g Yeast
30g Sugar
3g Salt
30g Unsalted Butter
270g Red Bean (Mashed)


Q.S. Melted 70% Black Chocolate
Q.S. Melted White Chocolate
Q.S. Matcha Powder

抹茶紅豆麵包做法 Matcha Red Bean Buns Recipe

抹茶紅豆麵包食譜 做法步驟

  1. 將高筋麵粉、酵母、鹽、糖、抹茶粉、雞蛋及牛奶放入盆中。
  2. 開低速揉成團後,加入室溫軟化的奶油,繼續揉至出現薄膜即可(不用手套膜)。
  3. 室溫28度,發酵40分鐘。
  4. 40分鐘後,將麵團分割成9份。
  5. 將分割的麵團滾圓。
  6. 我用現成的紅豆餡(這小倉紅豆好吃),每份30克,將紅豆包入麵團中。
  7. 拿出8吋烤盤且鋪上烘焙紙,把麵團依序放入烤盤。
  8. 放入溫暖的地方發酵25分鐘(烤箱內放杯熱水)。
  9. 烤箱預熱160C烤25-30分鐘,烤到表面顏色為自己喜歡的就可以蓋上鋁箔紙。
  10. 出爐後放涼,接著可以用融化巧克力畫眼睛嘴巴。
  11. 綠色巧克力的部分是用融化的白巧克力跟抹茶粉調製的。
  12. 這樣子抹茶紅豆手撕包就完成囉~

How to make Matcha Red Bean Buns?

  1. Put bread flour, yeast, salt, sugar, matcha powder, an egg, and milk into a stand mixer bowl.
  2. Set a mixer to a slow speed to knead the dough, then add room temperature unsalted butter in it and knead until it could easily be stretched.
  3. Raise the dough for 40 minutes at 28C room temperature.
  4. After 40 minutes, divide the dough into 9 small doughs.
  5. Roll the small dough into circle shapes.
  6. Divide red bean paste into every 30g for 9. Then, wrap the red bean paste with the small dough.
  7. Take an 8-inch cake pan with parchment, and put the dough into it.
  8. Raise the dough for 25 minutes in a warm place.
  9. Baking in a preheated oven,160C, 25-30 mins. If the color becomes golden, then cover with aluminum foil.
  10. Wait for the bread to cool and paint the eyes and mouthes with melted chocolate on the bread.
  11. The green one is that mix well the melted white chocolate with Matcha powder.
  12. Enjoy.


  1. 麵團揉出薄膜,不用手套膜。
  2. 每個烤箱實際溫度不同,時間僅供參考。

Tips of Matcha Red Bean Buns Recipe.

  1. Knead the dough until it could easily be stretched.
  2. There are different temperatures in different ovens,  maybe you need to use different times.

你也可以在Cookpad找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了)

你也可以在愛料理找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了)

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職業觀光客 Lisa