
檸檬瑪德蓮食譜 :讓烘焙變得簡單又有趣,用愛心烘焙的美味


讓烘焙變得簡單又有趣,用檸檬瑪德蓮點亮你的下午茶時光!我非常喜歡這款檸檬瑪德蓮,檸檬加上奶油的香氣,令人著迷。做瑪德蓮前要煮個焦化奶油 , 奶油加熱的時候不用攪拌,拿起鍋子輕輕晃即可,等到散發榛果香氣呈現褐色即可關火放涼;焦化奶油底下的沈澱物可以濾掉,但我覺得加進去更香,可以加也可以過濾掉,取決於個人。


檸檬瑪德蓮食譜影片 Video Recipe of Lemon Madeleine


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檸檬瑪德蓮材料 Ingredients of Lemon Madeleine


低筋麵粉 150g
無鹽奶油 150g
檸檬皮 1.5顆
泡打粉 1.5茶匙
蜂蜜 22g


Ingredients of Lemon Madeleine

150g Cake Flour
150g Unsalted Butter
105g Sugar
3 Eggs
3g Salt
1.5ea Lemon Zest
1.5 tsp Baking Powder
22g Honey


檸檬瑪德蓮食譜 Lemon Madeleine Recipe



  1. 將無鹽奶油放入鍋中,小火煮至焦化奶油出現。
  2. 關火後等放涼。


  1. 檸檬洗淨之後,刨出檸檬皮。
  2. 把糖加入碗中,並用手搓出香氣。
  3. 加入雞蛋攪拌。
  4. 加入過篩後的低筋麵粉。
  5. 加入鹽巴及過篩後的泡打粉。
  6. 加入蜂蜜後攪拌。
  7. 分次加入焦化奶油,並且攪拌均勻。
  8. 把攪拌好的麵糊放入擠花袋中,冷藏一小時以上。


  1. 烤盤上塗上奶油。
  2. 將麵糊擠入模具中,7-8分滿即可。
  3. 放入已預熱烤箱190°C,烤12-15分鐘。
  4. 烤完後用牙籤確認沒有麵糊沾黏就是熟了。
  5. 檸檬瑪德蓮就可以享用囉~

How to Make Lemon Madeleines

Prepare the Beurre Noisette:

  1. Put unsalted butter into a pan, cook it over low heat, and turn off the heat when you see beurre noisette.
  2. Wait for the beurre noisette to cool.

Make the Lemon Madeleine Batter:

  1. Zest 1.5 lemons into a bowl after washing them.
  2. Add sugar to the bowl, and mix well with the lemon zest.
  3. Mix the sugar with eggs.
  4. Add the sifted cake flour.
  5. Add salt and the sifted baking powder.
  6. Add honey and mix.
  7. Gradually add the beurre noisette and mix well.
  8. Transfer the batter into a piping bag and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Bake the Lemon Madeleines:

  1. Brush some unsalted butter on Madeleine pans.
  2. Pipe the batter into the molds, filling them about 4/5 full.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 190°C for 12-15 minutes.
  4. Insert a toothpick into the Madeleines to check for doneness; they are done when the toothpick comes out clean.
  5. Enjoy.

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職業觀光客 Lisa

Published by
職業觀光客 Lisa