
黑糖饅頭 食譜,大人小孩都喜歡的刺蝟造型饅頭

黑糖饅頭 這次是做刺蝟造型,只要用一把剪刀就能輕鬆剪出小刺蝟。如果聚會中有小孩,可以做一些造型的饅頭,小孩子會很喜歡,像上次我拿了一些刺蝟造型的黑糖饅頭給朋友的小孩,他兒很喜歡呢!另外如果不知道要怎麼看發酵程度,這篇食譜內我也會提到,讓你能輕鬆知道怎麼樣才是發酵好了!更多造型麵包食譜:大眼怪抹茶紅豆麵包小熊手撕麵包蜘蛛造型餅乾

黑糖饅頭 食譜,大人小孩都喜歡的刺蝟造型饅頭

黑糖饅頭食譜影片 Video Recipe of Hedgehog Brown Sugar Buns


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黑糖饅頭材料 Ingredients of Hedgehog Brown Sugar Buns


中筋麵粉 300g
酵母 3g
黑糖 60g
熱水 25g
常溫水 120-130g
黑芝麻 適量


Ingredients of Hedgehog Brown Sugar Buns

300g All-Purpose Flour
3g Yeast
60g Brown Sugar
25g Hot Water
120-130g Water
20g Oil
Q.S. Black Sesame Seeds

黑糖饅頭做法 Hedgehog Brown Sugar Buns Recipe

黑糖饅頭 做法步驟

  1. 將中筋麵粉、油及酵母放入盆中。
  2. 黑糖先用熱水化開。
  3. 將黑糖水及水一起倒入盆中,用攪拌機低速揉成團。
  4. 把麵糰放在墊子上,三桿三折。
  5. 留一小塊麵團看發酵用。其餘分成每份52克小麵團。
  6. 麵團整形成水滴狀,捏出刺蝟嘴巴,用剪刀剪出刺蝟的刺,用黑芝麻粒做眼睛。
  7. 拿一杯水,把剛剛留下的那一小塊麵團丟進去。
  8. 把水杯跟做好的饅頭麵團一起發酵,等水杯中的麵團浮上來就是發酵好了。
  9. 蒸鍋蒸25分鐘。
  10. 這樣子刺蝟黑糖饅頭就完成囉~

How to make Hedgehog Brown Sugar Buns?

  1. Add all-purpose flour, oil, and yeast into a stand mixer bowl.
  2. Mix well brown sugar with hot water.
  3. Add the brown sugar mixture and water into the bowl. Set a mixer to a slow speed to knead the dough.
  4. Put the dough on a mat, roll it into a flat shape, and fold three times.
  5. Save a small piece of dough for compare rise. Separate the dough into every 52g small dough.
  6. Knead the dough into a drop shape and pinch out a hedgehog mouth. Cut out the back of the hedgehog with a scissor. Put sesame seeds on the dough as the eyes.
  7. Take a cup of water and put the small piece of dough into it.
  8. Put the cup and bun dough together and wait to rise. When the dough in the cup comes up, it’s done.
  9. Steam for 25 minutes.
  10. Enjoy.


  1. 不同品牌麵粉吸水度不同,水量請以實際操作為主。
  2. 黑糖先用熱水化開會比較好操作。
  3. 發酵的時候,如果不會看,只要留一小塊麵團放入水中,跟主麵團一起放到發酵的地方,等麵團浮起來就是發酵完成。
  4. 如果有壓麵機就用壓麵機,這樣就不用在那邊又桿又折了。

Tips of Hedgehog Brown Sugar Buns Recipe.

  1. Different brands of flour have different water absorption rates.
  2. Mix well brown sugar with hot water before adding to the bowl.
  3. It’s easy to know that saving a small piece of dough for compare rise.
  4. If you can use a pasta maker, skip step 4.

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職業觀光客 Lisa