
菠蘿麵包做法 ,台式口味,懷念的滋味(中種法麵團)


菠蘿麵包做法 我使用中種法麵團,中種法做出來的麵包柔軟好吃且放到隔天也不會變硬(之前還有分享過的波蘭種湯種)。我的這個麵團的含水量比較高,有點黏手是正常的,撒些手粉就可以囉~另外我的菠蘿皮份量有放的少一些,所以烤完的表面厚度不會那麼厚,但熱量可以少一點。更多麵包食譜:湯種鮪魚玉米麵包湯種巧克力手撕餐包波蘭種奶油手撕餐包免揉抹茶軟歐包


菠蘿麵包做法 ,台式口味,懷念的滋味(中種法麵團)

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菠蘿麵包做法食譜影片 Video Recipe of Taiwanese Pineapple Bun


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台式菠蘿麵包材料 Ingredients of Taiwanese Pineapple Bun



高筋麵粉 140g
酵母 1g


高筋麵粉 60g
牛奶 35ml
酵母 1g
無鹽奶油 20g
中種麵團 全部


高筋麵粉 100g
無鹽奶油 50g
糖粉 30g
蛋液 25g
蛋液(表面) 適量


Ingredients of Taiwanese Pineapple Bun ( six buns)

Sponge & Dough Method (Step1)

140g Bread Flour
1g Yeast
110g Water

Dough (Step2)

60g Bread Flour
1g Salt
25g Sugar
35ml Milk
1g Yeast
20g Unsalted Butter
All Step1 Dough

Pineapple Bun Topping

100g Bread Flour
50g Unsalted Butter
30g Powdered sugar
25g Egg Liquid
Q.S. Egg Liquid (brush on the top of the dough)

台式菠蘿麵包做法 Taiwanese Pineapple Bun Recipe



台式菠蘿麵包 做法步驟

  1. 中種製作:將高筋麵粉、酵母及水放入碗中混合均勻,蓋上保鮮膜放室溫30分鐘,再移入冷藏12-18小時即可。
  2. 12小時後,來製作麵團,將高筋麵粉、酵母、糖、牛奶及鹽放入攪拌機的盆中,再把中種麵團撕小塊一起加入盆中。
  3. 攪拌機開低速攪拌成團,再放入室溫軟化後的無鹽奶油。
  4. 攪拌機開高速揉成團,直到出現手套膜。
  5. 蓋上保鮮膜,室溫28C發酵30分鐘。
  6. 製作菠蘿皮:將室溫軟化後的無鹽奶油放入碗中,並且加入糖粉攪拌均勻。再加入蛋液攪拌均勻,最後加入過篩後的高筋麵粉。攪拌均勻成團後就是菠蘿皮麵團,包上保鮮膜放入冷凍30分鐘。
  7. 30分鐘後,將發酵好的主麵團放到灑了手粉的墊子上,整形後分割成每個57克左右的小麵團。
  8. 把小麵團揉圓後,蓋上保鮮膜鬆弛10分鐘。
  9. 從冷凍拿出菠蘿皮,分割成每份25克的小團並且揉成圓形,先留下一份其餘的放入冷藏要用再拿。
  10. 取一個麵團稍微整形,放上壓平桿薄後的菠蘿皮,底部捏緊。
  11. 菠蘿皮表面畫線之後,將所有的菠蘿麵團二次發酵25分鐘(我是跟一杯熱水一起放入烤箱)
  12. 25分鐘後,菠蘿麵團表面刷上全蛋液,放入已預熱烤箱180C烤12分鐘。
  13. 出爐後就可以享用囉~

Taiwanese Pineapple Bun Recipe

  1. Make the step1 dough at first. Mix well bread flour with yeast and water in a bowl. Cover and put it on room temperature for 30 minutes. Then, refrigerate for 12-18 hours.
  2. After 12 hours, make the step2 dough. Put bread flour, yeast, sugar, milk, and slit in a stand mixer bowl. Also, tear small pieces of step1 dough and add into the bowl.
  3. Set the mixer to a slow speed to get the flour and water combining. Then, add the soft room temperature unsalted butter in it.
  4. Set the mixer to a high speed to get dough with good stretch.
  5. Cover the dough and raise for 30 minutes at 28C room temperature.
  6. Make the topping. Put the soft room temperature unsalted butter in a bowl and add powdered sugar and mix well. Then, add egg liquid and also mix well. After that, add sifted bread flour and mix well. Finally, cover the topping dough with plastic wrap and freeze for 30 minutes.
  7. After 30 minutes, put the step2 dough on a mat with some flour. Then, separate the dough into every 57g small dough.
  8. Knead the small dough into circle shape and cover it, then rest for 10 minutes.
  9. Separate the topping dough into every 25g small dough. Then, shape the small dough into circle. Left one small dough, and rest others into refrigerator.
  10. Take one step2 dough and cover with the flatten topping dough.
  11. Draw lines on the top and raise in a warm place for 25 minutes.
  12. After 25 minutes, brush egg liquid on the top. Then, baking in a preheat oven, 180C, 12 minutes.
  13. Enjoy.

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