
奶油小酥餅做法 ,突然好想吃奶油酥餅,自己做起來!

奶油小酥餅做法 算是有一點點小繁複,不過身處國外買不到想吃的那間奶油酥餅,那就自己來做吧~我這個食譜是綜合網路上許多食譜且加以改良,試過之後覺得味道超好,所以分享給大家。內餡很黏手,用保鮮膜、刮刀或手套操作會比較容易。更多好吃的中式點心:蛋黃酥食譜(無水奶油)蛋黃酥無鹽奶油食譜抹茶紅豆酥素食綠豆椪

奶油小酥餅做法 ,突然好想吃奶油酥餅,自己做起來!

奶油小酥餅食譜影片 Video Recipe of Taiwanese Butter Cake Pastry


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奶油小酥餅材料 Ingredients of Taiwanese Butter Cake Pastry




中筋麵粉 100g
無水奶油 30g


低筋麵粉 90g
無水奶油 45g


低筋麵粉(熟) 65g
無鹽奶油 15g
麥芽糖 30g
煉乳 20g
牛奶 15g
糖粉 50g


Ingredients of Taiwanese Butter Cake Pastry

Six Taiwanese Butter Cake Pastries

Water Dough

100g All-Purpose Flour
30g Ghee
15g Sugar
40g Water

Oil Dough

90g Cake Flour
45g Ghee


65g Cooked Cake Flour
15g Unsalted Butter
30g Maltose
20g Condensed Milk
15g Milk
50g Powdered Sugar

奶油小酥餅做法 Taiwanese Butter Cake Pastry Recipe

奶油小酥餅食譜 做法步驟

  1. 油皮製作:把中筋麵粉、糖、水及無水奶油混合均勻,然後揉成團。
  2. 將油皮蓋上保鮮膜,鬆弛10分鐘。
  3. 10分鐘後,將麵團揉至有粗膜,再蓋上保鮮膜鬆弛20分鐘。
  4. 油酥製作:混合低筋麵粉及無水奶油,混合成團後用保鮮膜包著,放入冷藏20分鐘
  5. 內餡製作:混合糖粉及麥芽糖,再加入牛奶、煉乳及室溫軟化後的無鹽奶油。
  6. 內餡的低筋麵粉微波45秒,過篩後加入剛剛混合好的內餡材料。
  7. 因為內餡很黏手,可以借著保鮮膜或手套將內餡混合好備用。
  8. 油皮鬆弛好後,分成每份約30克的小麵團且揉成小圓型。
  9. 油酥分成每份約21克的小團且揉成小圓型。
  10. 內餡分成每份約27克的小團。
  11. 將油酥包入油皮內,壓平後桿長再捲起(建議看影片比較清楚)。
  12. 再次桿長後再捲起,蓋上保鮮膜鬆弛15分鐘。
  13. 15分鐘後,從麵團兩端往中間捏,壓平後包入餡料。
  14. 底部縮口記得捏緊,接著用手把包好的麵團壓平。
  15. 用刀子再麵團表面劃兩口。
  16. 放入已預熱烤箱,190C烤25分鐘。
  17. 25分鐘後,奶油小酥餅就可以上桌囉~

How to make Taiwanese Butter Cake Pastry?

  1. Water Dough. Mix well all-purpose, sugar, water, and Ghee. Then, knead a dough.
  2. Cover the water dough with plastic wrap and rest it for 10 mins.
  3. After 10 mins, the water dough will be easy to knead and knead it until could be stretched. Then cover the dough again, and rest it for 20 mins.
  4. Oil Dough. Mix well cake flour with Ghee. Knead into a dough and wrap with plastic wrap, then refrigerate for 20 mins.
  5. Filling. Mix powdered sugar with Maltose, then added milk, condensed milk, and room temperature soft unsalted butter.
  6. Microwave cake flour for 45 secs. Sifted the cooked cake flour and mix with the filling.
  7. The filling will be sticky, so try to use plastic wrap or gloves to help it could easily be used.
  8. Divide the water dough into every 30g small dough, and shaped it into circles.
  9. Divide the oil dough into every 21g small dough, and shaped it into circles.
  10. Divide the filling into every 27g small one.
  11. Wrap the oil dough with water dough. Flatten the dough and roll it up(it would be easy to understand when you watch the video
  12. Flatten the dough and roll it up again, then rest it for 15 mins.
  13. After 15 mins, pinch from both ends to the middle, then flatten it. Wrap the filling with flattened dough.
  14. Flatten the wrapped dough.
  15. Cut the dough with a knife.
  16. Baking in a preheated oven, 190C, 25 mins.
  17. Enjoy.


  1. 比較省時間的順序是:先做油皮(等第一次鬆弛時)再做油酥,接著再揉一次油皮(等第二次鬆弛時)再做內餡。
  2. 每個烤箱實際溫度不同,時間僅供參考。

Tips of Taiwanese Butter Cake Pastry Recipe.

  1. Follow the steps, you can save time. Make water dough at first, then make oil dough when the water dough rests for 10 mins. Then, knead the water dough after 10 mins, and rest it for 20 mins, then you can make the filling.
  2. There are different temperatures in different ovens, maybe you need to use different times.

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