
韓式泡菜鍋貼 做法,自己做鍋貼皮、包鍋貼最好吃

韓式泡菜鍋貼 超級想念的味道,上次做鍋貼皮(做法點我)前,我就在想要做個韓式辣味鍋貼,畢竟很久沒有吃到韓式口味的鍋貼了。我的內餡是用牛肉,如果你喜歡豬肉請直接換成豬肉。我之前也剛好分享過韓式辣味水餃的食譜,我覺得兩個味道都很好,有興趣的朋友都可以試試看。更多水餃料理食譜:水餃皮做法食譜煎餃皮做法食譜高麗菜豬肉水餃做法食譜韓式辣味水餃做法食譜自製鍋貼皮做法食譜

韓式泡菜鍋貼 做法,自己做鍋貼皮、包鍋貼最好吃

韓式泡菜鍋貼食譜影片 Video Recipe of Beef and Kimchi Potstickers


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韓式泡菜鍋貼材料 Ingredients of Beef and Kimchi Potstickers


牛絞肉 200g
高麗菜 150g
泡菜 100g
醬油 2匙
蒜泥 10-15g
香油 10g
韓式辣醬 30g


Ingredients of Beef and Kimchi Potstickers

200g Ground Beef
150g Cabbage
4 Scallion
100g Kimchi
2tbsp Soy Sauce
1/2tbsp Sugar
2g Ginger
10-15g Crushed Garlic
10g Sesame Oil
30g Gochujang

韓式泡菜鍋貼做法 Beef and Kimchi Potstickers Recipe

韓式泡菜鍋貼食譜 做法步驟

  1. 把牛絞肉、糖、醬油、薑末、蒜泥、韓式辣醬及香油放入盆中。
  2. 攪拌均勻且肉有黏性後,放入冷藏備用。
  3. 高麗菜切碎,放入碗中,加點鹽等15分鐘脫水。
  4. 這時候可以來切蔥,蔥切成蔥花。
  5. 15分鐘後,用清水清洗高麗菜。
  6. 將泡菜切碎,把泡菜汁擠掉再放入碗中。
  7. 把洗好的高麗菜,擠掉水分放入放肉的盆中。
  8. 將蔥花及切碎的泡菜都放入盆中,並且攪拌均勻,這樣餡料就完成了!
  9. 這時候就可以來包鍋貼拉~
  10. 鍋貼包完,鍋子燒熱至水珠滴下去可以在上面跳舞的熱度,再加油潤鍋。
  11. 放上鍋貼,加入麵粉水,蓋上蓋子煮10-15分鐘再開蓋,直到水分都煮乾。
  12. 這樣子鍋貼就能享用囉~

How to make Beef and Kimchi Potstickers?

  1. Put ground beef, sugar, soy sauce, minced ginger, crushed garlic, Gochujang, and sesame oil into a bowl.
  2. Mix well the ground beef, and it would be sticky, then refrigerate.
  3. Mince cabbage and put it into a bowl, then add some salt and wait for 15 minutes.
  4. Mince scallion.
  5. After 15 minutes, wash the cabbage with water.
  6. Mince Kimchi, then Squeeze out the Kimchi sauce and put the minced Kimchi into a bowl.
  7. Squeeze out the water from the cabbage and put it into the bowl.
  8. Put the minced scallion and minced Kimchi, and mix well. The filling is ready for the next step.
  9. It’s time for wrapping potstickers.
  10. Add oil into a preheated pan.
  11. Put the potstickers into the pan, and add flour water, then Cover it and cook for 10-15 minutes, then remove the lid and cook until no water.
  12. Enjoy.


  1. 麵粉水就是一匙麵粉+水。
  2. 這個內餡的份量大約可以包36個鍋貼。
  3. 我用牛絞肉,你也可以換成豬絞肉。

Tips of Beef and Kimchi Potstickers Recipe.

  1. You can get flour water from mix well 200ml water with 1tbsp flour.
  2. The ingredients of the recipe could be making 36 potstickers.
  3. You also can change the Ground Beef to Ground Pork.

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職業觀光客 Lisa