
牛粒食譜 ,台式馬卡龍,小時候的奶油小西點回憶

牛粒食譜 小時候的小西點回憶,記得以前在麵包店看到架上的台式馬卡龍(小西點)都覺得貴森森,一點點就要好幾十元,吃沒幾口就沒了,一直都是捨不得買的對象。某天看到電視講到台式馬卡龍覺得很懷念,不如就自己動手做吧!這個食譜最麻煩的地方就是全蛋打發,如果你是手提式打蛋器,可以坐溫水會比較快打發,我用桌上型打蛋機,我就丟著讓他自己打就能跑去做別的事情,所以就沒坐溫水打了。更多台式點心食譜:菠蘿麵包食譜古早味蛋糕食譜巧克力古早味蛋糕

牛粒食譜 ,台式馬卡龍,小時候的奶油小西點回憶

牛粒食譜台式馬卡龍影片 Video Recipe of Taiwanese Macaron


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牛粒材料 Ingredients of Taiwanese Macaron


雞蛋 2個
蛋黃 2個
低筋麵粉 170g


無鹽奶油 70g
糖粉 10g


糖粉 適量


Ingredients of Taiwanese Macaron


2 Eggs
2 Egg Yolks
120g Sugar
170g Cake Flour


70g Unsalted Butter
10g Powdered Sugar


Q.S. Sugar Powdered

台式馬卡龍做法 Taiwanese Macaron Recipe

牛粒食譜 台式馬卡龍 做法步驟

  1. 盆中打入2顆室溫全蛋及2顆室溫蛋黃,加糖後放入攪拌機打發(全蛋打發需要耐心) ,打到可以畫8字不輕易消失的程度就可以了。
  2. 加入過篩後的麵粉(一半),用翻拌的方式攪拌均勻。
  3. 加入剩下的麵粉(過篩),用翻拌的方式攪拌均勻。
  4. 把拌好的麵糊放入擠花袋中,在烘焙紙上擠出小圓型,並撒上糖粉。
  5. 放入已預熱烤箱180C,烤6-8分鐘。
  6. 出爐後放涼,放涼後刷掉多餘的糖粉,再移到盤子上。
  7. 做內餡,將室溫軟化的無鹽奶油與糖粉拌勻。
  8. 將奶油攪打至蓬鬆後,把內餡放入擠花袋中。
  9. 組裝工人時間,把兩片小西點中間夾入內餡。
  10. 這樣子牛粒(台式馬卡龍)就能享用了。

How to make Taiwanese Macaron?

  1. Add 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks that are all room temperature into a stand mixer bowl. Then, add sugar, then put the bowl into a stand mixer, and beat the eggs(need patience). Beat the eggs well (you can use it to paint 8).
  2. Add sifted cake flour (half) and mix well.
  3. Add the rest of the cake flour that is sifted and mix well.
  4. Add the batter into a squeeze bag. Then, squeeze the batter into circle shapes on parchment and sprinkle some powdered sugar.
  5. Baking in a preheated oven, 180C, 6-8 minutes.
  6. Wait for cool, then brush off the extra powdered sugar. Put them on a plate.
  7. Let’s do filling, mix well the room temperature soft unsalted butter and powdered sugar.
  8. Whisk the butter until fluffy and fill it into a squeeze bag.
  9. Assembly time.
  10. Enjoy.


  1. 全蛋打發需要耐心。
  2. 每個烤箱都不同,溫度僅供參考。

Tips of Taiwanese Macaron Recipe.

  1. You need patience when you beat the eggs.
  2. There are different temperatures in different ovens, maybe you need to use different times.

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職業觀光客 Lisa