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肉燥食譜 鑄鐵鍋料理,家鄉味的滷肉飯自己來做吧!

肉燥食譜 南部叫做肉燥飯,北部叫做滷肉飯,無論是肉燥還是滷肉,對我來說都是個家鄉味,當懷念家鄉味的時候就自己滷上一鍋肉燥吧!滷肉燥真的很方便,除了淋在飯上可以迅速當一餐以外,還能夠分裝冷凍起來,想吃的時候再微波一下就行了!之前也寫過幾篇滷肉相關的食譜,請參考:無水滷肉可樂滷肉台式滷肉香菇肉燥滷花生豬腳滷豬腳(免滷包)


肉燥食譜 鑄鐵鍋料理,家鄉味的滷肉飯自己來做吧!

肉燥食譜影片 Video Recipe of Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice


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肉燥飯材料 Ingredients of Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice

粗絞肉 450g
紅蔥頭 120g
蒜頭 6瓣
黑糖 1.5匙
醬油 120ml
蠔油 2匙
米酒 30ml
水煮蛋 10顆
白胡椒粉 適量


Ingredients of Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice

450g Ground pork
120g Shallots
6 cloves Garlic
1.5 tbsp Brown Sugar
120ml Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Oyster Sauce
30ml Cooking Wine
Q.S. Water
10ea Boiled Eggs
Q.S. White Pepper Powder

肉燥做法 Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice Recipe

台式肉燥 做法步驟

  1. 切碎蒜頭跟紅蔥頭(用食物調理機或手切都可以)。
  2. 起鍋熱油,加入切碎的紅蔥頭炒香。
  3. 炒到紅蔥頭變軟且有香氣,再加入蒜末繼續炒香。
  4. 加入粗絞肉炒一下,再加入黑糖翻炒。
  5. 加入醬油、蠔油及米酒。
  6. 翻炒一下,大約煮個10分鐘左右等上色。
  7. 接著加入煮好的水煮蛋。
  8. 加水蓋過食材。
  9. 嚐一下味道,味道不夠再加入醬油,所以醬油一開始不要加太多。
  10. 最後加入白胡椒粉。
  11. 蓋上蓋子煮15-20分鐘。
  12. 等飯煮好淋上滷肉,這樣子滷肉飯就完成囉~

How to cook Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice?

  1. Minced garlic and shallot with a hand blender.
  2. Add oil in a cast iron pot and stir fry the minced shallot.
  3. Stir fry until the minced shallot is soft and smells good, then add the minced garlic.
  4. Stir fry the ground pork, and add brown sugar, then stir fry.
  5. Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, and cooking wine, then stir it.
  6. Stir fry the pork and cook it for 10 minutes until caramelized color.
  7. Add boiled eggs into it.
  8. Add water.
  9. Taste the taste, if it is not enough, add some soy sauce.
  10. Finally, add white pepper powder.
  11. Cover it and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  12. Then, add the braised pork on the top of the rice. Enjoy.


  1. 水煮蛋的煮法跟快速剝蛋方法,請參考:
  2. 紅蔥頭先下炒香,再下蒜頭,紅蔥頭需要比較多的時間。
  3. 記得等肉上色後再加水。
  4. 醬油一開始不要加太多,但一開始一定要加,因為要上色,最後試味道的時候再決定總共要加多少,如果不小心手滑加太多,可以加點冰糖補救。

Tips of Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice Recipe.

  1. How to make boiled eggs quickly? Watch the Video:
  2. You should add shallot at first and stir fry it until smells good, then add the minced garlic. It needs more time to stir fry shallot.
  3. Don’t add water before the pork is colored.
  4. If you add too much soy sauce, just add some crystal sugar, and the taste would be better, don’t worry.

你也可以在Cookpad找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了)

你也可以在愛料理找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了)

大家一起來追蹤我的食譜Instagram吧!!(點圖進入追蹤我的IG呦~ Follow me on Instagram)

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職業觀光客 Lisa