
香蕉蛋糕食譜 Banana Bread 超簡單只需要攪拌就能完成

香蕉蛋糕食譜 真的超簡單,只需要一直攪拌就能完成,這個簡單的程度大概就是跟之前我分享過的巧克力布朗尼一樣,特別推薦給新手料理或著沒有太多時間卻想做甜點的朋友。我這邊說的香蕉蛋糕就是英文裡的Banana Bread,據米國的友人說一般他吃到都有肉桂味,偏偏他特別不愛肉桂,所以我的這款除了不甜以外,其他都符合他的口味。更多簡易甜點食譜,請參考:香蕉巧克力腰果布朗尼


It is easy to make banana bread, only one thing you need to do is stir. The recipe is not as sweet as normal banana bread, so if you like the normal sweet type, you should add more sugar.


香蕉蛋糕食譜 Banana Bread 超簡單只需要攪拌就能完成

香蕉蛋糕食譜影片 Video Recipe of Banana Bread


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香蕉蛋糕材料 Ingredients of Banana Bread


表面有黑點的熟香蕉 3條
無鹽奶油 100g
中筋麵粉 270g
小蘇打粉 2g
泡打粉 4g
核桃(可略) 適量


Ingredients of Banana Bread

3 Very Ripe Bananas
100g Unsalted Butter
2g Salt
70g Sugar
2 ea Eggs
270g All-Purpose Flour
2g Baking Soda
4g Baking Powder
Q.S. Pecans(option)

香蕉蛋糕做法 Banana Bread Recipe

香蕉蛋糕 做法步驟

  1. 選擇3條有黑點過熟的香蕉放入盆中,這種香蕉來做香蕉蛋糕最美味。
  2. 用叉子把香蕉壓碎。
  3. 無鹽奶油微波45秒至一分鐘融化後倒入盆中。
  4. 加入鹽巴、雞蛋及糖,並且混合均勻。
  5. 加入過篩後的中筋麵粉、小蘇打粉及泡打粉,並且混合均勻。
  6. 將攪拌好的材料倒入模具中。
  7. 表面抹平後放上核桃(可略)。
  8. 放入已預熱烤箱,170C, 烤60至70分鐘。烤到蛋糕表面開始變色,可以蓋上鋁箔紙烤以免過乾。
  9. 用牙籤插入蛋糕沒有沾黏就是烤好了。
  10. 將香蕉蛋糕放涼後,這樣子就完成囉~

How to make Banana Bread?

  1. Choose three medium very ripe bananas and peel them, then put them into a bowl.
  2. Mash the ripe bananas with a fork until smooth.
  3. Microwave unsalted butter for 45 seconds to 1 min, and add the melted butter to the bowl.
  4. Add salt, eggs, and sugar, then mix well.
  5. Add sifted all-purpose flour, baking soda, and baking powder, then mix well.
  6. Pour the mixture into a cake pan.
  7. Put some pecans (option) on the top.
  8. Baking in a preheated oven, 170C, 60-70mins. If the outside of the loaf is browned, cover with foil and continue baking.
  9. Take a toothpick inserted into the center that comes out clean which means is fully baked.
  10. Waiting for the banana bread to cool. Enjoy.


  1. 過熟有黑點的香蕉來做香蕉蛋糕才香。
  2. 烤的過程如果發現表面已變色,那就可以蓋上鋁箔紙繼續烤,以免表面過乾。
  3. 如果你做出來有類似粿的口感,那有可能是濕性材料放太多,可以調整一下。

Tips of Banana Bread Recipe.

  1. You Should choose very ripe bananas.
  2. If the outside of the loaf is browned, cover with foil and continue baking, in case it would too dry.
  3. If your banana bread is not soft, maybe you add too much moisture material.

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職業觀光客 Lisa