
自製肉鬆氣炸鍋 ,簡易版做法,用烤箱代替也可以

自製肉鬆氣炸鍋 ,使用氣炸鍋或烤箱讓你不會手酸就能得到自製肉鬆!我搬來米國之後,對於米國本土製造的肉鬆完全不行,有肉的東西又不能帶進米國,之前一直都是買台灣來的魚鬆,某天突然想到,其實我可以自己來做肉鬆,先跑活水豬腥味應該就會少很多。更多豬肉料理請參考:肉燥食譜胡椒餅無水滷肉可樂滷肉台式滷肉香菇肉燥滷花生豬腳滷豬腳(免滷包)

自製肉鬆氣炸鍋 ,簡易版做法,用烤箱代替也可以

自製肉鬆氣炸鍋食譜影片 Video Recipe of Pork Floss with an air fryer


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自製肉鬆材料 Ingredients of Pork Floss


豬肉(脂肪少的部分) 450g


醬油 4匙
香油 2匙


米酒 20ml
薑片 6-8片


薑片 6-8片
米酒 20ml


Ingredients of Pork Floss


450g Pork (less fat)


5匙 Sugar
4匙 Soy Sauce
2匙 Sesame Oil

Blanch Meat

20ml Cooking Wine
6-8 sliced Ginger
Q.S. Water

Cooking Meat

1 Scallion
6-8 sliced Ginger
20ml Cooking Wine
Q.S. Water

自製肉鬆氣炸鍋做法 Pork Floss Recipe

自製肉鬆 做法步驟

  1. 選一塊脂肪少的豬肉,切小塊。
  2. 先來跑活水,鍋中加入水及米酒,豬肉冷水下鍋,並且加入薑片煮滾。
  3. 豬肉洗過之後放入壓力鍋(instant pot)內,放入蔥及薑片,水末過肉即可,接著再加入米酒。
  4. Instant Pot 燉肉模式25分鐘。
  5. 25分鐘後,把肉從鍋中取出,再用桿麵棍把肉搗碎(有食物調理機幫忙會比較快速)。
  6. 熱鍋加油,放入肉末翻炒,再加入糖、醬油及香油(不喜香油可略),
  7. 翻炒上色後,把肉放到容器內(我用蛋糕模型)。
  8. 放入氣炸鍋內,190F/90C,90-100分鐘,大約每15分鐘拿出翻炒一下。
  9. 其實這樣簡易版肉鬆就完成了,但我喜歡碎一點的口感,所以又再用食物調理機打幾下。
  10. 最後肉鬆就完成囉!

How to cook Pork Floss with a instant pot and an air fryer?

  1. Choose 450g fat less pork and cut it.
  2. Blanch Meat. Pour water and cooking wine into a pot and add the cut meat and sliced ginger, then cook until boiled.
  3. Put the meat into an instant pot after washing. Then, add scallion, ginger, water, and cooking wine into the pot.
  4. Press “meat stew”, 25 minutes.
  5. After 25 minutes, remove the meat from the instant pot. Then, mash the meat with a rolling pin or if you have a hand blender (It’s easier to mash the meat with it).
  6. Add oil into a preheated pan, then add the mashed meat. Then, add sugar, soy sauce, and sesame oil (option).
  7. Stir fry and put it in a container (I use a cake pan).
  8. Air fry in an air fryer, 190F/90C, 90-100 minutes. Stir fry it every 15 minutes.
  9. This simple pork floss is done, but I like it to be smaller, so I use the hand blender to beat it a few more times.
  10. Enjoy.


  1. 我先跑活水是為了除去一些豬肉的臭味。
  2. 沒有壓力鍋肉也沒關係,只要用爐子小火燉煮拉長時間就好。
  3. 一般來說肉鬆要一直翻炒,手很酸,我用氣炸鍋低溫烘乾,然後定時拿出來翻炒兩下。
  4. 我喜歡細如魚鬆的口感,所以最後再過一次食物調理機。

Tips of Pork Floss Recipe.

  1. It can help you to remove the pork smell with “Blanch Meat”.
  2. It’s ok if you don’t have an instant pot, just need to cook on the low heat and spend more time.
  3. It’s easier to make pork floss to use an air fryer, or you should stir fry on the low heat for a long time.
  4. I like the pork floss to be smaller, so I use the hand blender to beat it a few more times.

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職業觀光客 Lisa