伯爵茶貝果 出爐的時候,房子滿滿的伯爵茶香,讓人覺得好幸福。最近很迷伯爵茶的味道,特別喜歡把伯爵茶葉放入甜點或麵包中,這樣烤出來的甜點或麵包,讓我著迷,如之前做過的伯爵茶巴斯克乳酪蛋糕、伯爵茶生乳酪蛋糕、伯爵茶海鹽卷
、伯爵茶豆渣餅乾。我特別喜歡自己做貝果,除了可以依自己口味控制麵團的軟硬度以外,還可以在基礎的貝果麵團裡做許多變化,例如我之前做過原味貝果,如果覺得原味太無趣,加入蔓越莓果乾就是另外一種風味,或著也可以用藍莓,做成藍莓貝果。如果你喜歡伯爵茶味,同時也喜歡貝果,可以參考我的食譜,一起動手試試看吧!Table of Contents
伯爵茶貝果 食譜,出爐後滿室伯爵茶香,好幸福
伯爵茶貝果做法影片 Video Recipe of Earl Grey Tea Bagels
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伯爵茶貝果材料 Ingredients of Earl Grey Tea Bagels
高筋麵粉 | 300g |
酵母 | 3g |
糖 | 10g |
鹽 | 3g |
牛奶 | 200g |
無鹽奶油 | 15g |
伯爵茶葉 | 5g |
水 | 800g |
糖 | 30g |
Ingredients of Earl Grey Tea Bagels
300g | Bread Flour |
3g | Yeast |
10g | Sugar |
3g | Salt |
200g | Milk |
15g | Unsalted Butter |
5g | Earl Grey Tea |
Sugar Water
800g | Water |
30g | Sugar |
伯爵茶貝果食譜 Earl Grey Bagels Recipe
伯爵茶貝果食譜 做法步驟:
- 將高筋麵粉、酵母、糖、鹽、伯爵紅茶葉及牛奶放入盆中。
- 開低速揉成團後,加入室溫軟化的奶油,繼續揉至出現薄膜即可。
- 室溫28度,發酵40分鐘。
- 40分鐘後,分割成6份(每份約88克)。
- 分割好的小麵團滾圓後,蓋上保鮮膜鬆弛10分鐘。
- 把麵團桿平並捲起,把其中一端壓平,捲起收口捏緊。
- 跟一杯熱水一起放入烤箱,二次發酵30分鐘。
- 30分鐘後,將800克的水跟30克糖煮滾,轉小火後,把每個貝果麵團放入水中煮30秒。
- 貝果煮好後,放入已預熱烤箱200C烤18-20分鐘。
- 這樣子伯爵紅茶貝果就完成囉~
How to make Earl Grey Bagels?
- Add bread flour, yeast, sugar, salt, Earl Grey tea, and milk into a stand mixer bowl.
- Set a mixer to a slow speed to knead to the dough, then add room temperature unsalted butter in it. Then, knead until it could easily be stretched.
- Raise the dough for 40 minutes at 28C room temperature.
- After 40 mins, divide the dough into 6 parts.
- Shape the small dough into circle shapes, then cover with plastic wrap and rest for 10 minutes.
- Flatten the dough and roll it up, then roll the dough up.
- Put the dough on a tray. Then, put the tray in an oven with a cup of hot water, and rise the dough for 30 minutes.
- After 30 minutes, mix 800g water with 30g sugar, and wait for it to boil. Then, turn to the low heat and boil the bagels for 30 seconds.
- Then, bake in a preheated oven, 200C, for 18-20 minutes.
- Enjoy.
- 每個貝果麵團下方各墊一張烘焙紙,當貝果要滾糖水的時候會比較好操作。
- 貝果下水洗澡的時候不要太久,30秒就可以了,撈起後要瀝乾再放在烘焙紙上。
- 每個烤箱溫度不同,烤製時間僅供參考,我用烤箱烤跟氣炸鍋的時間跟溫度就完全不同,請依照實際情況考量。
Tips of Earl Grey Bagels Recipe.
- You can put parchment paper on the bottom of the bagels, which makes it easier to drop them into the boiling sugar water.
- It only needs to take 30 seconds for the bagels to the boiling sugar water.
- Different ovens have different temperatures, which means that you might need different bake times.
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你也可以在愛料理找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了)
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