免揉麵包食譜 No Knead Bread Recipe。免揉麵包是我近期的心頭好,做一次之後就上癮,這真的是太方便了!沒有鑄鐵鍋也沒關係,依然可以烤出表面酥脆,內在柔軟的歐式麵包。一起來試試看吧!
If you like bread, but you don’t have much time to prepare, that no knead bread is the best choose for you. Follow my steps, let’s go.
免揉麵包食譜 (免鑄鐵鍋) No Knead Bread Recipe
I watched the travel channel before, that introduced a famous bread store in New York that the most popular bread in the store is no knead bread. It looked not so difficult, then, I wanted to try to make “no knead bread” by myself.
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免揉麵包做法 (沒有鑄鐵鍋) No Knead Bread Recipe
Ingredient of No Knead Bread
200g Bread Flour
150g Water
2g Yeast
10g Oil
3g Salt
a little Dried Cranberry
It’s really easy, just needs 10 minutes to prepare the dough.
Poured the flour, salt, yeast, oil, dried cranberry, and water into a bowl, then, stirred it.
Almost finish. Isn’t it so easy? Then, covered it and waited for 2 hours to raise, then, put it in refrigerator for 8 hours. I usually prepare dough after dinner, then, put it in refrigerator before sleep, so I can bake it when I wake up.
After 8 hours, put the dough on a mat, don’t forget sprinkle some flour on the mat. You could dip finger in water, then move the dough from the bowl to mat (it would be easy to move). Then, slightly press on the dough to deflate air, and folding the dough in half (like what the video show (link)
Then, covered the dough, waited for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, put the dough with a cup of water in the roasting tin, and baked in a preheated oven at 210C (410F) 25 minutes.
Finish. Try it out.
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