巧克力古早味蛋糕 ,蛋糕本身帶有可可的香味,濕潤且入口即化的口感,讓人無法抗拒的誘惑。之前做過原味版本的古早味蛋糕,這次再來分享一下古早味巧克力蛋糕,跟原味版本一樣是用水浴法,除了麵粉燙過以外,燙過的可可粉味道更加香濃,一起來做看看吧!更多蛋糕食譜:香蕉蛋糕、抹茶生乳酪蛋糕
、巴斯克乳酪蛋糕、綠葡萄生乳酪蛋糕、日式輕乳酪蛋糕、檸檬磅蛋糕、巧克力蛋糕捲。Table of Contents
巧克力古早味蛋糕 ,味香不膩,入口即化的古早台灣味
巧克力古早味蛋糕食譜影片 Video Recipe of Taiwanese Chocolate Castella Cake
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巧克力古早味蛋糕材料 Ingredients of Taiwanese Chocolate Castella Cake
蛋黃 | 5個 |
油 | 65g |
牛奶 | 75g |
糖 | 10g |
鹽 | 1g |
低筋麵粉 | 75g |
可可粉 | 15g |
65%黑巧克力豆 | 可略 |
蛋白 | 5個 |
糖 | 50g |
檸檬汁或醋 | 1茶匙 |
Ingredients of Taiwanese Chocolate Castella Cake
8 inch Cake Pan
5 ea | Egg Yolk |
65g | Oil |
75g | Milk |
10g | Sugar |
1g | Salt |
75g | Cake Flour |
15g | Cocoa Powder (sugar-free) |
option | 65% Chocolate Chips |
5 ea | Egg White |
50g | Sugar |
1 tsp | Lemon Juice or Vinegar |
巧克力古早味蛋糕做法 Taiwanese Chocolate Castella Cake Recipe
巧克力古早味蛋糕 做法步驟:
- 將蛋黃及蛋白分開。
- 將糖、牛奶、鹽及油混合。
- 開小火攪拌至鍋內溫度約60-70C再關火。
- 無糖可可粉過篩後加入鍋中攪拌均勻。
- 再把低筋麵粉過篩後加入鍋中攪拌均勻。
- 蛋黃分次加入並且攪拌均勻,這樣蛋黃糊就好了。
- 來打蛋白,打到有大泡泡再加入檸檬汁跟一半的糖。
- 變白後加入剩下的糖,打到蛋白霜出現小彎勾即可。
- 先挖一些蛋白霜跟蛋黃糊混合,再把蛋黃糊跟蛋白霜用翻拌的手法混合均勻。
- 將混合好的蛋糕糊倒入有放烘焙紙的模具中。
- 撒上一些巧克力豆(這步驟可略。巧克力不一定會沉到蛋糕哪一層,吃起來會有驚喜感)。
- 另外拿一個烤盤加熱水,把模具放到烤盤中,放入已預熱烤箱,150 ℃ 50分鐘,再160 ℃ 5分鐘(如果蛋糕表面開始變成自己喜歡的顏色,可以拿鋁箔紙蓋住繼續烤)。
- 出爐後拿起模具用力摔幾下, 接著在架子上放涼。
- 這樣子巧克力古早味蛋糕就完成囉~
How to make Taiwanese Chocolate Castella Cake?
- Separate egg white and egg yolks.
- Mix sugar with milk, salt, and oil.
- Turn low heat and mix well until the temperature is 60-70C, then turn off the heat.
- Add the sifted Cocoa powder and mix well.
- Then, add the sifted cake flour and mix well.
- Add an egg yolk slowly at one time.
- Beat the egg white until foamy, then add lemon juice and some sugar.
- When the color change to white, then add the sugar. Then, beat meringue until small hooks appear.
- Mix well the batter with some meringue. And mix well the batter with meringue.
- Add the batter into a cake pan.
- Add some 65% dark chocolate chips (option).
- Add hot water into another cake pan, then put the cake pan with batter in it. Then, baking in a preheated oven, 150C, 50 mins, then 160C, 5 mins (If the cake color becomes golden, then cover with aluminum foil.).
- Remove the cake from the oven. Put it on a rack and wait for it cool.
- Enjoy.
- 加可可粉前記得要控制好溫度。
- 蛋白打發時需要放在乾淨的盆中。
- 每個烤箱溫度不同,時間僅供參考,第一次烤記得顧烤箱。
Tips of Taiwanese Chocolate Castella Cake Recipe.
- Remember to check the temperature before adding the cocoa powder.
- Make sure your bowl is clean before you beat your egg white.
- There are different temperatures in different ovens, maybe you need to use different times.
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