
脆皮烤雞食譜 ,蜂蜜蘋果烤雞,肉一撕開就噴汁

脆皮烤雞食譜 ,之前聚餐烤了這個蜂蜜蘋果烤雞,皮脆肉多汁一吃就愛上。前置作業大約需要一整天,所以前一天要先準備,烤雞當天只需要跟烤箱好好配合就好!更多雞肉料理食譜:蜜汁烤雞腿鹹酥雞食譜花雕雞做法鹽水雞食譜簡易蔥雞湯香菇菜脯雞湯炸雞排做法春川辣炒雞椒鹽雞翅橙汁雞腿照燒雞腿


脆皮烤雞食譜 ,蜂蜜蘋果烤雞,肉一撕開就噴汁

脆皮烤雞食譜影片 Video Recipe of Honey Apple Roasted Chicken


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脆皮烤雞食譜材料 Ingredients of Honey Apple Roasted Chicken





醬油 3匙
米酒 1匙
蠔油 2匙
蜂蜜 2匙
白胡椒粉 適量


全雞 4.5磅
蒜頭 一頭
蘋果 一個
你喜歡的蔬菜 適量


無鹽奶油 80g
蜂蜜 1匙


Ingredients of Honey Apple Roasted Chicken

Salted Water

Q.S. Water
2tbsp Salt


3tbsp Soy Sauce
1tbsp Cooking Wine
2tbsp Oyster Sauce
2tbsp Honey
Q.S White Pepper Powder


4.5lb Whole Chicken
whole Garlic
1 Apple
Q.S. Vegetable


80g Unsalted Butter
1tbsp Honey

脆皮烤雞做法 Honey Apple Roasted Chicken Recipe

脆皮烤雞食譜 做法步驟

  1. 整隻雞用廚房紙巾擦乾淨後,放入盆中。
  2. 盆中加水及鹽巴,讓全雞泡在鹽水中2小時。
  3. 調醃料:混合蜂蜜、醬油、米酒、蠔油及白胡椒粉。
  4. 2小時後,把全雞從鹽水中移出放入保鮮袋,加入醃料並且幫雞肉按摩一下,放入冷藏醃12小時。
  5. 12小時後,先把蒜頭去皮,蘋果去皮且切小塊。
  6. 把醃好的雞放到烤盤上,把蘋果跟蒜頭塞到肚子裡,用牙籤把缺口封起。
  7. 用鋁箔紙把雞腿及雞翅後端包起,以免烤太焦。
  8. 放入已預熱炫風模式烤箱,170C烤90分鐘。
  9. 接著製作刷表皮的醬:無鹽奶油微波融化後跟蜂蜜攪拌均勻。
  10. 每30分鐘刷一次烤雞外皮。
  11. 等烤到第45分鐘的時候,幫烤雞翻面。
  12. 刷完最後一次外皮後,盤子上一起放上自己喜歡的蔬菜。
  13. 30分鐘後烤雞就能上桌囉~

How to make Honey Apple Roasted Chicken?

  1. Make sure the chicken is wiped clean with paper towels and put it into a bowl.
  2. Add water and salt into the bowl. Soak the chicken for 2 hours.
  3. Mix well honey with soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce, and white pepper powder.
  4. After 2 hours, remove the chicken from the salted water and put it into a zipper bag. Add the marinade sauce into the bag, then refrigerate for 12 hours.
  5. After 12 hours, peel whole garlic and an apple, then cut the apple.
  6. Put the chicken on a tray, and stuff the apple and garlic into the chicken. Fix it with toothpicks.
  7. Wrap the chicken drumsticks and wings with foil.
  8. Baking in a preheated oven, convection model, 170 C, 90 mins.
  9. Sauce for brushing the chicken skin. Mix well melted unsalted butter with honey.
  10. Brush the chicken skin every 30 mins.
  11. Turn the chicken when it’s roasted for 45 minutes.
  12. The last time brush the chicken skin, you also can put the vegetable you like.
  13. After 30 minutes. Enjoy.


  1. 泡過鹽水再醃,烤完的雞會非常多汁好吃。
  2. 烤完的蘋果也非常好吃。
  3. 刷表皮的時間是第30分鐘及第60分鐘。
  4. 第45分鐘幫烤雞翻面。
  5. 最後30分鐘,把自己喜歡的蔬菜鋪在烤盤上一起烤即可。
  6. 每個烤箱功率不同,時間參考用。

Tips of Honey Apple Roasted Chicken Recipe.

  1. The roasted chicken would be juicy after you soak it into salted water.
  2. The roasted apples are also good.
  3. The time you need to brush the chicken skin is the 30th minute and the 60th minute.
  4. Turn the chicken when it’s roasted for 45 minutes.
  5. Put the vegetable you like on the plate and roast at the last 30 minutes.
  6. There are different temperatures in different ovens,  maybe you need to use different times.

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你也可以在愛料理找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了)

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職業觀光客 Lisa