蒜香乳酪麵包 做法,一口咬下就爆漿,滿口的大蒜乳酪,如果你也是喜歡大蒜的朋友,應該會跟我一樣覺得超幸福。這個大蒜乳酪麵包食譜做法不難,我在原有的基礎麵團裡面多加了帕瑪森起司粉,烤完的麵包還沒加上乳酪及大蒜奶油的時候就很香了!最後擠入乳酪及抹上大蒜奶油,再烤一下,香噴噴的蒜香乳酪麵包就可以出爐上桌囉~想知道更多麵包食譜,請參考:台式熱狗麵包、台式蔥花麵包、台式菠蘿麵包(中種法)、鮪魚玉米麵包、大理石麵包、毛線球麵包(水合法)、波蘭種手撕餐包、湯種法手撕巧克力餐包、台式蔥花熱狗麵包、芋泥麵包。
Table of Contents
蒜香乳酪麵包 做法,入口就爆漿的大蒜乳酪超美味
蒜香乳酪麵包 食譜影片 Video Recipe of Cream Cheese Garlic Bread
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蒜香乳酪麵包材料 Ingredients of Cream Cheese Garlic Bread
高筋麵粉 | 300g |
酵母 | 4g |
雞蛋 | 1個 |
牛奶 | 150g |
糖 | 20g |
無鹽奶油 | 30g |
鹽 | 3g |
帕瑪森起司粉 | 20g |
無鹽奶油 | 50g |
蒜泥 | 20g |
鹽 | 2g |
乾燥巴西利 | 1 tsp |
奶油乳酪 | 80g |
糖 | 10g |
鮮奶油 | 60g |
Ingredients of Cream Cheese Garlic Bread
300g | Bread Flour |
4g | Yeast |
1 | Egg |
150g | Milk |
20g | Sugar |
30g | Unsalted Butter |
3g | Salt |
20g | Parmesan Cheese Powder |
Garlic Butter
50g | Unsalted Butter |
20g | Crushed Garlic |
2g | Salt |
1 tsp | Dried Parsley |
Cream Cheese Filling
80g | Cream Cheese |
10g | Sugar |
60g | Heavy Whipping Cream |
蒜香乳酪麵包食譜 Cream Cheese Garlic Bread Recipe
香蒜乳酪麵包食譜 做法步驟:
- 將高筋麵粉、酵母、鹽、糖、雞蛋、帕瑪森起司粉及牛奶放入盆中。
- 開低速揉成團後,加入室溫軟化的奶油。
- 繼續揉至出現薄膜即可。
- 室溫28度,發酵40分鐘。
- 40分鐘後,分割成6份(每份約95克),分割好的小麵團滾圓。
- 放到溫暖的地方,發酵40分鐘(烤箱裡加一杯熱水)。
- 40分鐘後,噴點水在麵團表面,放入已預熱烤箱170C烤18分鐘。
- 18分鐘,麵包放涼,這時候可以來做餡料。
- 將室溫軟化的奶油乳酪跟糖混合均勻,再加入鮮奶油混合均勻,將乳酪餡放入擠花袋中。
- 表面香蒜奶油:無鹽奶油微波30秒融化。
- 將融化後的奶油跟蒜泥、鹽及乾燥巴西利混合均勻。
- 將放涼的麵包切兩刀(不切斷)。
- 將乳酪內餡擠入麵包裡。
- 麵包表面塗上香蒜奶油醬。
- 放入已預熱烤箱160C烤12分鐘。
- 這樣子香蒜乳酪麵包就可以享用囉~
How to make Cream Cheese Garlic Bread?
- Add bread flour, yeast, salt, sugar, egg, Parmesan cheese powder, and milk into a stand mixer bowl.
- Set a mixer to a slow speed to knead to the dough, then add room temperature unsalted butter in it.
- Knead until it could easily be stretched.
- Raise the dough for 40 minutes at 28C room temperature.
- After 40 mins, divide the dough into 6 parts. Shape the small dough into circle shapes.
- Raise the dough for 40 minutes in a warm place.
- After 40 minutes, sprinkle some water on the dough, then bake in a preheated oven, 170C, 18 minutes.
- After 18 minutes, put the buns on a rack and wait for them cool. We can make the filling now.
- Mix well the room temperature cream cheese with sugar and heavy whipping cream. Then, put the cream cheese mixture into a piping bag.
- Garlic Butter: Microwave unsalted butter for 30 seconds.
- Mix well the melted butter with crushed garlic, salt, and dried parsley.
- Slice it but don’t slice it all the way.
- Put the garlic butter on the top of the buns.
- Bake in a preheated oven, 160C, 12 minutes.
- Enjoy.
- 每個烤箱功率不同,時間僅供參考。
Tips of Cream Cheese Garlic Bread Recipe.
- There are different temperatures in different ovens, maybe you need to use different times.
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